
智能制造装配室英文 发电机加工和装配协议(中英文对照)

小编 2024-10-13 工业互联网 23 0


Agreement for Processing and Assembly of Dynamotor




This Agreement is hereby made between Sichuan Engine Manufacture Company (hereinafter referred to as Party A) and Hong Kang Shipping Machine Company (hereinafter referred to as Party B) this day of 15th July, 2011, in China, on the principle of equality and mutual benefit and through amicable consultation.

本协议于 年 月 日在某电机制造公司(此后称为甲方)和香港船舶机器公司(此后称为乙方)之间,通过友好协商,在平等互利的基础上签订。

(当事方主体信息 略)

Article 1 Introduction

第1条 介绍

A. Party B agrees to manufacture the products, using the raw materials supplied by Party A, in strict compliance with the standards and specifications stipulated in the agreement.


B. Commodity and quantities for processing


a. Commodity:shipping dynamotor

产品 船舶发电机

b. Quantity 2000 sets 数量 2 千套

Article 2 Specifications

第2条 规格

On the basis of dynamotor prototypes, drawings and product samples furnished to Party A, both parties shall jointly establish all specifications in sufficient detail necessary for the production. The specifications shall deal with the quality of the materials used and standards of the products. The specifications, once established by both parties, shall be modified only upon mutual written agreement of both parties.


Article 3 Supply of the Raw Materials

第3条 原材料供应

A. During the term of the agreement, Party A shall deliver to Party B such quantity of the raw materials and consumption articles as may be required for the manufacturing of the products no later than two (2) months before calendar quarter.


B. Party B shall inspect the raw materials and consumption articles supplied by Party A immediately upon receipt thereof in accordance with the method of inspection to be agreed by Party A, and shall submit inspection reports to Party A, and within thirty (30) days after the inspection. The raw materials and consumption articles that do not meet requirement of Party A shall not be used in the processing (or assembly).


Article 4 Processing and Assembly Fee

第4条 加工和装配费

The processing fee for each model as follows: 每种型号的加工费如下所示:

a. Model A at US dollars 500 (Say US dollar Five hundred only) each set.


b. Model B at US dollars 400 (Say US dollar Four hundred only) each set.


c. The processing (or assembly) fee mentioned-above shall remain unchanged for the first year’s period. After the said two(2) years period, Party B may change the fees by giving Party A a written notice of change no less than three (3) months prior to the change. In case that Party A does not accept such change of the processing fee within two (2) months from the receipt of the said notice the agreement shall be terminated.


Article 5 Term of Payment

第5条 付款方式

For payment of the processing (or assembly) fee, Party A shall open a confirmed irrevocable L/C in favor of Party B with a bank approved by Party B, for the amount enough to cover each shipment of the products at least fifteen (15) days before such shipment. The L/C shall be negotiated against commercial invoices, full set of bill of lading, packing list, inspection certificate and _____ of Party B.


Article 6 Technical Information and Assistance

第6条 技术技术和协助

A. Party A agrees to furnish Party B with processing (or assembly) drawings, processing (or assembly) instructions and test and inspection standards necessary for processing ( or assembly) of the products.


B. Party A agrees to provide Party B with appropriate advice against problems of Party B relating to the technical matters for processing (or assembly) of products.


C. Upon request of Party B during the terms of the agreement, Party A may dispatch its own engineers and technicians to Party B’s factory to give advice and guidance which Party A thinks appropriate in relation to assembly of the products. All the expenses relating to the engineers and technicians are to be borne by Party B.


D. Upon request of Party B during the terms of the agreement, Party A agrees, once in all, a maximum of 5 engineers and technicians of Party B to stay at Party A’s factory for a period of not exceeding 10 days and give them training which Party A thinks appropriate in relation to assembly of the products. The traveling and living expenses of the personnel of Party B shall be borne by Party B.


Article 7 Quality Control and Inspection

第7条 质量控制和检验

A. When the processing is completed, the finished products shall be inspected by the authority agreed by Party A to verify that the products are up to the quality standards and specifications designated by Party A.


B. In case the products does not meet the standards of Party A, Party A can refuse the delivery. However, Party A may accept the delivery of the products at the discount price to be agreed between Party A and Party B on a case-by-case basis.


C. All changes in the quality and specifications shall be informed to Party A twenty (20) days prior to their incorporation in the products. Party A shall, from time to time, suggest changes or improvements in the products. Party B shall in good faith give consideration to the introduction of such changes or improvement.


Article 8 Packing and Marking

第8条 包装和唛头

The products shall be properly packed following the general commercial practice of exporting goods and in accordance with the instruction of Party A. The package shall be marked and Party A shall give the marking instructions at least five (5) days prior to the delivery date of the finished products.


Article 9 Delivery and Shipment

第9条 交货和运输

On the CFR and CIF basis, the Party B shall inform the Party A by Telex/Fax of the name, nationality and age of the vessel no later than five (5) days before the time of the shipment. The shipment shall not be effected without the confirmation from the Party A. The Party A shall confirm the vessel within three (3) working days, otherwise the vessel shall regarded as confirmed.


On the FOB basis, Party A shall book shipping space in accordance with the date of shipment. Party B shall ten (10) days before the date of shipment stipulated in the agreement advise the Party A by Telex/Fax of the name of commodity, quantity, total amount, package numbers, total weight, and volume and the date from which goods is ready for loading at port of shipment. Party A shall five (5) days before the date of shipment, notify Party B of name of vessel and the estimated date of loading Party B to effect shipment. In case the carrying vessel or the date of arrival has to be changed, Party A or its shipping agent shall advise Party B in time. Should the vessel fail to arrive at the port of shipment within three (3) days after the arrival date advised by Party A, Party A shall bear the storage expense calculated from the days thereafter.


Party B shall be liable for any dead freight or demurrage, should they fail to have the quantity of the goods ready for loading in time as stipulated, while the carrying vessel has arrived at the port of shipment as advised.


Under the terms of FOB, CFR and CIF, Party B shall, immediately upon the completion of the loading of the goods, give a shipping notice to Party A by Telex/Fax. The notice includes the name of commodity, quantity, net and gross weight, measurement, invoiced value, bill of lading number, sailing date and estimated date of arrival at the port of destination.


Article 10 Damage Rate of Raw Materials

第10条 原材料的破损率

The damage rate of the materials in processing (or assembly) is 2 % and such a rate of materials should be supplied free by Party A. Should the damage rate surpass 2 %, Party B will supplement the additional required materials necessary for processing (or assembly).

加工(或装配)的原材料破损率是2 %并且此材料的破损率应由甲方免费提供。如果破损率超过了2 %,乙方应弥补加工(或装配)所必需的额外所需的材料。

Article 11 Transfer of the Title and Risk

第11条 所有权和风险转让

The title to the raw materials delivered to Party B and Products made therefrom and risk of loss of or damages to the raw materials or products belong exclusively to Party A, or damages to the raw materials or products belong exclusively to Party A, provided, however, that immediately upon receipt by Party B of shipments of the raw materials and until the delivery of the products to Party A, Party B shall purchase an insurance at Party A ’s expense covering the full value thereof against damage, destruction and loss of every kind from an insurance company approved by Party A. Party A shall be the beneficiary of such insurance.


Article 12 Force majeure

第12条 不可抗力

Either Party shall not be responsible for failure or delay to perform all or any part of the agreement due to flood, fire, earthquake, drought, war or any other events which could not be predicted at the time of the conclusion of the agreement, and could not be controlled, avoided or overcome by the parties. However, the Party effected by the Event of Force Majeure shall inform the other party of its occurrence in written as soon as possible and thereafter send a certificate of the event issued by the relevant authority to the other party but no later than 15 days after its occurrence.


If the Events of Force Majeure last over 120 days, both parties shall negotiate the performance or the termination of the agreement.


Article 13 Arbitration

第13条 仲裁

All disputes arising from the performance of this agreement should be settled through friendly negotiations. Should no settlement be reached through negotiation, the case shall then be submitted for arbitration to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (Beijing) and the rules of this Commission shall be applied. The award of the arbitration shall be final and binding upon both parties. The Arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing party unless otherwise awarded by the arbitration organization.


During the course of the arbitration, the agreement shall be performed except for the part under arbitration.


Article 14 Effective and the Term of the Agreement

第14条 效力和有效期

The agreement shall become effective when the agreement is signed by both parties. The term of the agreement is three years.


Article 15 Amendment of the Agreement

第15条 协议变更

The amendment of the agreement shall come into force only after the written agreement reached by both parties.


Article 16 Language

第16条 语言

The agreement shall be written in Chinese and in English. Both languages are equally authentic. In the events of any discrepancy between the two aforementioned versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.


On behalf of party A 甲方代表                  

Signature 签名

On behalf of party B 乙方代表

Signature 签名

机器人零件加工制造Manufacturing of robot parts

机器人现在量产的比较少,而且机器人制造完成后,可能还需要根据需要修改或是重新加工。所以机器人零件一般是专项专做。“机器人零件加工制造”可以翻译为: 英文:Manufacturing of robot parts 德文:Fertigung von Roboterteilen俄文:Производство деталей роботов (Proizvodstvo detaley robotov)阿拉伯文:تصنيع أجزاء الروبوت (Tasnī‘ ajzā’ al-rūbōt)机器人零件加工制造是一个复杂而精密的过程,它涵盖了多个领域,包括机械工程、材料科学、电子工程以及自动化技术等。这个过程通常包括以下几个关键步骤:

1. 设计阶段:首先,根据机器人的预期功能和应用场景,设计师使用CAD(计算机辅助设计)软件绘制三维模型。这些模型详细展示了每个零件的尺寸、形状和结构,确保所有部件能完美配合并满足性能需求。

2. 材料选择:根据零件的功能要求(如强度、重量、耐腐蚀性等),选择合适的材料,常见的有铝合金、不锈钢、钛合金、工程塑料等。

3. 原型制作:在大规模生产前,通常会通过CNC(计算机数控)机床加工制作零件原型,以便进行功能测试和设计验证。

4. 模具制造:对于大量生产的零件,需要制造精密模具。模具决定了零件的最终形态,通常由硬质合金或钢材制成,并通过电火花加工(EDM)、线切割等工艺精加工而成。

5. 小批量生产: 铸造:适用于形状复杂的大批量零件,如铸铁、铸铝等。锻造:用于提高金属材料的强度和韧性,适用于轴类、齿轮等承受高负荷的部件。

CNC加工:适用于高精度要求的零件,通过程序控制的机床自动去除材料。 冲压:适用于薄板材料的快速成型,如外壳、面板等。






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